RoNM Update 21/06/04

Hey there. This post is in theory the first of many, as I plan to make these whenever I update or change anything about the story that I’m writing, Ruins of Ner Montu. I figure it’s good to keep a log of this stuff, so if you’re actually keeping up with the story as I write it you can just check here to see what’s new. I just added the chapter “Blue Eyes”, which means that we’re up to six chapters listed on this website. In their current order, they are:
– Chamber
– The Way Back
– A New Home
– The Cold
– The Burning Hearth
– Blue Eyes (NEW!)

With these posts, I’ll also go over any major changes I make to any of the chapters already listed. I haven’t made any such changes yet, but since the story is still very much in progress, I anticipate there’ll be a lot of that. I won’t bother listing small updates such as fixing errors or changing descriptions, but if I do anything like add or cut entire paragraphs, I’ll try to log it here (if I remember).

This post is also the beginning of me trying to commit to a minimum of weekly updates to Ruins of Ner Montu. Whether that be writing and uploading an entirely new chapter, or making large changes to what’s already written, I would like to start getting serious about working on this thing. So expect more frequent updates, possibly of lower quality as I’m sure sometimes I’ll just be writing because I’m trying to build a habit and not because I’m “inspired”. That’s the idea, anyways. If you want to have a chance at becoming successful, you gotta work as hard as the guys who have schedules and environments that keep them honest. Weekly updates aren’t anywhere close to an end goal, but they’re a step in the right direction.

Cya later!






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