RoNM Update 22/05/30

So. Rereading the last update post, I did not stick to my plan at all, partly because I forgot it existed. I’m not very good at this. BUT! There is a new chapter, “Bag of Bones”. I put it up over a month ago now, but today I went back, changed a couple lines I wasn’t happy with, and covered over a tiny plot hole. So that’s something.

At this point, finishing even a rough draft of this story by September is not realistic. Self-discipline is not my strong suit, at least when it comes to doing things rather than not doing things. However, I will keep trying, because the only way that I get better at this is by failing over and over again. So! Weekly updates. Weekly visits to the mall, to sit and eat pineapple chicken, do money charts, and then WRITE.

Wish me luck. More updates to come.






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